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The Black Feminist Reproductive Justice, Equity & Health Activism (BREHA) Lab foregrounds the experiences, labor, and political activism of Black women and girls across the African diaspora in our shared and divergent struggles for reproductive justice. 


We advance research-informed actions that enhance the capacity of our communities to combat a range of reproductive injustices such as HIV/AIDS stigma, reproductive coercion, medical experimentation, obstetric racism, and varied forms of state, institutional and scientific violence.  Using engaged research, community-based partnerships, and multimedia advocacy, we elevate and support the intellectual and on-the-ground political work of Black women and girls as they mobilize communities, provide care, and inspire collective action.


A. Conduct culturally responsive and ethical research on the health outcomes, reproductive lives, and lived experiences of HIV/AIDS among Black girls and women with the primary aim of eliminating health inequities as well as elevating their activism and leadership.

B. Equitably translate and disseminate research findings into informed reproductive justice-centered programming, interventions, and advocacy that educate our communities as well as respond to urgent ethical, political, and social concerns. 

C. Cultivate sustainable community partnerships with actors and leaders that meet identified community needs and support movement-building in the realm of reproductive justice and health equity in the U.S., Jamaica, and the broader African diaspora.

D. Develop an infrastructure of student support and engagement in order to facilitate collaborative learning, development, informed activism and advocacy, and critical reflection, while identifying supportive ways to get involved with meaningful RJ opportunities.

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